Department of Design, Academy of Fine Arts and Design



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Oddelek za oblikovanje, Akademija za likovno umetnost (ALUO)
Dolenjska cesta 83, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 2500

The four-year undergraduate programme in Design was established along with the Department of Design in 1984 in order to cover the field of visual communication and industrial design within the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana. Further interrelated areas include typography, illustration, photography, video, animation, unique specimens in glass, ceramics, design management, creation of urban decoration, and industrial pieces.

Students are offered workshops in Kaverljag (design), Liboje and Komenda (ceramics), and Rogaška Slatina (glass design), sometimes including international guest speakers and mentors. One of the most popular and widely attended is the typographic workshop TipoBrda.

The Department of Design cooperates with several other departments of the University of Ljubljana, mostly with the Department of Textiles. Under the guidance of mentors, the design students are involved in project work with a wide range of cultural producers, to mention only Ana Monró Theatre and the Poster Festival Ljubljana.

General information

In the study year 2009/2010 the Academy of Fine Arts and Design began with new three-year undergraduate study programmes, prepared in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. The change to the Bologna programme meant that in the academic year 2011/2012 new enrollees in the postgraduate study programmes were not accepted. The new postgraduate study programmes (2nd and 3rd cycle Bologna programmes) began in the academic year 2012/2013.

International cooperation

Since 1995 the Department of Design has been a member of the CEEPUS international student/teachers exchange network. The ongoing cooperation with numerous academies and faculties is also evolving within the Socrates, Erasmus, and similar programmes. The Department of Design has participated regularly in the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) and ICOGRADA congresses, as well as in international design exhibitions and competitions.

See also

External links

Oddelek za oblikovanje, Akademija za likovno umetnost (ALUO) +
Oddelek za oblikovanje, Akademija za likovno umetnost (ALUO) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dolenjska cesta 83 +
The four-year undergraduate programme in DThe four-year undergraduate programme in Design was established along with the Department of Design in 1984 in order to cover the field of visual communication and industrial design within the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana.University of Ljubljana. +
The four-year undergraduate programme in DThe four-year undergraduate programme in Design was established along with the Department of Design in 1984 in order to cover the field of visual communication and industrial design within the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana.and Design at the University of Ljubljana. +
+386 / 1 421 2500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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